ACH_112.ZIP 3,984 07-05-95 Alias/Chat Handle Changer v1.12 Giveyour users the option to change their Aliasor Chat Handle without hassling you (thesysop). Logs that that the user entered,searches all users to make sure the Alias
ALTERNFO.ZIP 2,892 06-24-95 Change the "SYSOP IS:" information sent tothe user during initial logon, every hour byuse of a simple script. Edit the script tosuit your tastes, compile and enjoy! Broughtto you by The Chuckle Box BBS (334) 653-1776
BIGBRO10.ZIP 24,672 08-27-95 BigBro v1.0 Shareware Synchronet Node Monitorfor OS/2 - 32bit PM node monitor, sendtelegrams to user from your PM Desktop.Beta Test, looking for ideas from other SysOps
BLKSND11.ZIP 14,843 06-21-95 BulkSend v1.1a Utility to send all users on ysystem user to user uploads.
CHALS_12.ZIP 16,049 07-15-95 Change Alias Module for Synchronet. Ver 1.2This module allows users to change their aliaor handle. * Checks for duplicateAlias/handles * Sends Telegram to sysop whenused. * Supports Share! Safe on Multinode
CYNEON2.ZIP 39,999 06-04-95 CYNEON is a Synchronet BBS specific utilitythat creates a usage graph in ten minuteintervals based on the previous day's systemusage. CYNEON is designed for one nodesystems. CYNEON is easy to configure andFREEWARE.
DICE151.ZIP 79,438 05-04-95 Domain DiceWar v1.51 (UNREGISTERED)Multi-player, interactive dice game writtenfor Synchronet BBS systems. Supports up to250 players.
DPOK141.ZIP 98,804 05-04-95 Domain Poker v1.41 (UNREGISTERED) A 5 carddraw, multi-player, interactive poker gamefor Synchronet BBS systems. Supports multipletables/limits and an intelligent computeropponent.
DS_GURU1.ZIP 10,322 06-29-95 Finally, a guru with intelligents. For SynchrThe smart Guru! Go ahead, ask this Guru acomputer related question. Version 1.0
DUT210.ZIP 84,702 06-20-95 Domain Upload Tester v2.10 (UNREGISTERED) Afile upload tester and virus scanner writtenespecially for Synchronet BBS systems.Supports several virus scanners andcompression types, as well as GIF testing andusers.
FSYNC10B.ZIP 8,438 05-27-95 Sync FILES.BBS to Directory. Create .DIR file.
NETSERF.ZIP 139,644 05-28-95 NETSERF v1.0: Extensive BAJA mod for yourNetXpress UUCP connection! Attract and trainusers in Internet use. GOPHER, ARCHIE, NetNews Filter, FTP, Weather Reports and muchmore. Extensive Help Files! Must try!
NEW_PROB.ZIP 8,974 07-10-95 New User and Problem User Screens forSynchronet BBS. Both are run from the LogonBIN so new users and users you want torestrict because of some problem cannot geton the BBS.
NEW_USER.ZIP 3,404 06-23-95 New user command shell Allows L/D callers a PBlackNet Runner
POSTMAT.ZIP 2,699 08-17-95 Post Logon Matrix A simple utility BAJAmodule that will allow your users to eitherskip the normal logon procedure and/or jumpto different sections of your board likeexternal programs, QWK mail, their mail, orchat.
QBULLET.ZIP 10,314 06-17-95 QUICK Bulletinsnhrv1.00c Logon Bulletins forSynchronet v2.1* Up to 1000+ BulletinsEnhanced RIP Enabled Downloading of ALLBULLETINS FILELIST Viewer/USER.DOC VieweFILE/MESSAGE Area REQUESTER
RAN_MOD.ZIP 10,563 06-06-95 Ran_Mod will take a list of files with thesame filename, extension of 0 to 999 and pickone at random and copy the contents to adestination file.
REGSSTB.ZIP 3,727 08-10-95 SBBS Shoot The Bottle Full Version!!!! YesChallenge Your SysOp at a Shooting ContestAnd Win Credit! But Be Carfull You canMiss!!! This is the Full Version We ThinkThis will be alot Better For The SysOps Who
RMRS_22.ZIP 50,077 08-14-95 RUMORS v2.2 - The Best Rumors System for usewith Synchronet BBS Software v2.0+. -BAJA(tm)integrated for maximum speed! -SynchronetCTRL-A Color Codes Supported! -SysOpdefineable display screen! -Tracks and
RMVF12B.ZIP 41,651 06-17-95 Remove File v1.2 for Synchronet BBS. AllowsSysop's to select a reason for removing ausers Uploaded file(s), and send him a MSG onhis next logon. Nice small (FREEWARE) utilityMode. Allows up to 5 SysOp Configurable
RSCAN16A.ZIP 46,460 05-07-95 RSCAN 1.6a Searches your RIME message basefor incomming or outgoing messages and createa BarGraph Synchronet Bulletin Software
S2X10A.ZIP 13,034 07-23-95 SYN2XEN - SBBS to XeniaMailer Last CallerImporter for DOS and OS/2
SBBS22_X.ZIP 591,628 09-01-95 Synchronet 32-bit DOS Utilities (updated withv2.20 of SBBS)
SBBSLIST.ZIP 67,299 07-10-95 Synchronet BBS List (ASCII Text) List ofSynchronet BBSs sorted by phone number.Exported weekly, entries are auto-deletedafter 90 days if not updated or validated.This is not a complete list of all Synchronet
SBELOG10.ZIP 14,070 07-21-95 SBELOG - SBBSEcho Logfile Trimmer for DOS
SBE_111.ZIP 469,558 08-30-95 SBBSecho v1.11 RELEASE - Native SMB FidoNetechomail program for Synchronet version 2.Supports LZH compressed and Hyper Allocatedmessage bases. Extremely fast. Includes16-bit DOS, 32-bit DOS and OS/2 flavors!
SBL_136.ZIP 119,738 09-01-95 Synchronet BBS List (SBL) v1.36 - ExternalBBS database program for Synchronet bulletinboards. Another FREE program from DigitalDynamics. Includes C source code! Extensiveinformation stored for each BBS entry. Users
SCB_132.ZIP 89,366 09-01-95 Synchronet Callback (verifier) v1.32 Callbackverifier for Synchronet BBS by DigitalDynamics (for both registered andunregistered users).
SHC_100A.ZIP 6,650 08-13-95 Synchronet High Cards Version 1.00a TheUlitmate Baja Card Game out today. Menu andscreens built into one file. Great forgaining credits slowley. Toggle card symbolson and off. Full set of instructions built in
SLOGUTIL.ZIP 7,341 06-24-95 SLOGUTIL v1.0 - Redirected SLOG v1.01 outputis used as input data to create a ASC fileshowing statistical history of your BBS in auser friendly format.
SMB_121A.ZIP 236,235 08-31-95 Synchronet Message Base Specification v1.21aReleased 08/31/95. Designed for high volume,high speed, multi-network, multimedia e-mailstorage and retrieval. Includes comprehensivecompression/decompression functions.
SMM_130.ZIP 256,605 09-01-95 Synchronet Match Maker v1.30 - for bothregistered and demo use. See UPGRADE.DOC fornew features.
SUTL220A.ZIP 1237,206 08-31-95 Synchronet v2.20a Utilities disk - Companionfor SBBS220A.ZIP includes softwaredevelopment kit, external programs, networkutilites and more.
SYED151A.ZIP 58,996 06-18-95 WIDE-AREA beta of SyncEdit, v1.5.1a. Containsonly bugs fixes, no new features. Shouldaddress the node-hanging bug reported by someusers. Please provide any info (good or bad)to the home support board (see docs) or in
SYNC_FMT.ZIP 4,248 06-12-95 A Joke Hard Disk Formatting Utility exclusiveto Synchronet BBS v2.X Trick your users intothinking their doing something they shouldn'tbe! FORMAT.BIN file complete with Baja script
SYNOEB12.ZIP 392,121 06-12-95 SynOEB 1.2c - Take Checks online formerchandise/services(C)1995 21st CenturyAutomatically Processes and uploadstransactions to the processing center VIA QWKNetwork Callout Event.Forwards receipt to the
SYNSCWP.ZIP 14,284 05-10-95 A Collection of User Statistics Screens forSynchronet BBS Software. Use as Logon Screensto display to your users their file, mail,call, statistics, etc.
SYSOP121.ZIP 16,220 05-10-95 SYSOPIS v1.21 Change the Sysop is: messageafter each caller. Updated to work withSynchronet v2.11a. FREEWARE
TBD102.ZIP 81,401 05-04-95 The Beast's Domain v1.02 (UNREGISTERED) Amulti-player, interactive, ANSI, real-timeadventure game for Synchronet BBS systems.Supports up to 250 players. NEW CONFIGURATIONOPTIONS!
TEXT211A.ZIP 16,782 07-07-95 TEXT.DAT & ATTR.CFG FOR SYNCHRONET v2.11a
THE_WARP.ZIP 3,221 06-18-95 The Warp: Loadable Logon Module forSynchronet v2.0 . Allows quick access toDoors/Chat Area/Files check it out!
TMQN105D.ZIP 10,115 08-05-95 Telemate script for QWK Networking calls to aSynchronet BBS hub. Automatic, unattended,well-commented, and keeps detailed log ofeach call. TotallyFree, TotallyHere,TotallyNow. Version 1.05d 08-05-1995, AV
TOPTEN20.ZIP 35,337 07-16-95 > User Top Ten List < > by ShhkTch Software <User Interactive Door as seen on DavidLetterman. User can input his/her own topicsand responses. While it is stillUnRegistered, it is not as limited as "other"door games.
TREASURE.ZIP 8,668 07-07-95 Treasure Bay Command Shell v1.0
UUCP.ZIP 3,962 07-30-95 A baja script to aid your users in the fine aUUCP Gateway. Help on using the gateway while
XSDK_233.ZIP 25,300 09-01-95 Synchronet XSDK v2.33 - External Program SDKFor C programmers. Fixes hang-up bug.
YDAY10.ZIP 18,651 06-13-95 Yesterday for SBBS FREEWARE Stats for y'dayCreates a bulletin showing time usage graph,calls, number and size of uploads/downloads,beautiful single screen SBBS colour file. SiSynchronet Sysops!